Java has been truly de-facto standard for developing enterprise applications since the 90’s. Like old wine, it has matured with time significantly with the addition of new features and an addition of new JVM based languages like Scala, Kotlin, Groovy, Closure etc...
Java applications offer truly platform independence by Write Once Run Anywhere philosophy. Java is open source, robust, simple, secured, Dynamic, Distributed, Multi-threaded and Architecture neutral language.
Java provides all the necessary tools and libraries which are needed for any end to end enterprise solutions. Lots of framework and libraries are developed based on Java. Spring, Hibernate, Apache Hadoop, Spark, Storm are the few very well-known name.
Java Swing is the standard way of creating the desktop based system which is ideal for Point Of Sales or Kiosk based system. For Web Applications, Java, Spring, Hibernate combined with web services or microservices is the right choice for any enterprise. For Mobile Applications, Java and Kotlin are the default option to create high performing native applications.
AIS has strong Java Development team who is experienced in creating high performing, scalable and robust enterprise applications like workflow management, document management, Content Management System etc.